sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016



            Edgar Renteria is taller than Nairo Quintana

                Nairo Quintana is shorter than Edgar Renteria      

                                   How shall we travel?  By bus or by plane?

                                           Let´s go by bus. It is cheaper.

                                      Don´t go by plane. It is more expensive.

Cheaper and more expensive are comparative forms.

After comparatives you can use than

It is cheaper to go by car than train

Going by train is more expensive than going by car.

The comparative form is
ER- or MORE...

We use -er for short words (one syllable)

cheap - cheaper                             fast - faster
large - larger                                  thin - thinner

We also use -er for two-syllable words that end in -y (-y - ier)

Lucky - luckier                              early - earlier
easy - easier                               pretty - prettier          

We use more... for longer words (two syllables or more)
more modern                              more serious
more quietly                                more comfortable

You are more patient than me.

These adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative forms:

good / well  - better

I know him well, probably better than anybody else.

bad / badly - worse

He did very badly in the exam, worse than expected.

far - further (or father).

It is long walk from here to the station, further than I thought.

1, Complete the sentences using a comparative form (older/ more important, etc)
a) It is noisy here. Can we go somewhere _______________________ ?
b) The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be __________________
c) Your work is not very good. I am sure you can do _____________________
d) Don`t worry, the situation isn`t so bad. It could be ____________________
e) I was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I thought it would be ________________

2,  Complete the sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the words in the list. Use than where necessary.
a) I was feeling tired last night , so I went to bed ______________________ usual.
b) Unfortunately her illness was ____________________ we thought at first.
c) In some parts of the country, prices are __________________ in others,
d) There were a lot of people on the bus. It was _________________ usual
e) Health and happiness are __________________________ money,

BIG          CROWDED                EARLY                   EASILY                HIGH
IMPORTANT                INTERESTED            PEACEFUL               RELIABLE
SERIOUS                     SIMPLE                   THIN            INTERESTING 

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